politeness is a sophisticated invention
I have heard that good manners are difficult to remember

I like woke rules, they’re too complicated, confusing, and nonsensical to anyone who doesn’t like thinking about the feelings of other people
who gives a crap about other people, just sort yourselves out
is this a good way of thinking, are they polite and well mannered
people who lie are not polite, they don’t make sense
people who steal from others, like people who control the most money, are not welcome at home or abroad
do you welcome rich people who want to control you

I welcome wise people to speak to me, the wise get my support
find the wise in peace
you will only find them in a peaceful world
peace we can do when we’re not experiencing fear, this is why the government induces fear in us, keeps us under control
without fear we rise up, willing to die for our children’s future
have we been choosing our leaders based on what we want, or on the happiness of our children

their peace, their world, their children
not yours, not mine, only their children
remember this when out and about
I will vet my speech as my mother and grandmother taught me
I will know how to argue thanks to my father and teachers
I only have what I write to say
take my speech and you take my liberty
or something like that

hah, there’s no Swansonism here
I like good characters, even if I disagree with them
I’m not on any wing, I just bounce
I’m interested in my child’s future, ensuring that they’re happy, safe, and kind, I choose to love and respect them
look what we’ve done to their world
we destroyed their means of survival
we’re a failed species, our selfish gene finally killed itself, arrogance kills
not a fan of impolite people, functionally fixated fools masquerading as scientists

respect people’s beliefs, it is the only way for peace to work
respect isn’t the same as endorsement
I respect that some people believe capitalism should be the driving force behind everything, it’s not but who cares
I respect that some people believe the earth is flat, in a small way it is, so kudos flatearther you’re right but only if the universe was Euclidean, it’s not it’s geometrically Riemannian, check out Einstein
or maybe it’s the other way round, depending on the observer I suppose
quantum links well to this one, maybe someone knows a theory that links those two pillars of physics, maybe along the lines of the observer

don’t give me Tao of it though, I read it, liked it, but found that the Buddhist bit was way more interesting than the science bit
more helpful too
so I get science, I studied it to qualified graduate degree level
I get why it’s important, it’s methodology is beautiful, can be helpful sometimes
but what happens when you can’t do anything physically anymore
what happens when science fails to deliver

health care professionals are highly trained, highly valuable, and important, but they have their limits
when government tries to crush a system by punishing those that work in it, it is worth investigating
why do they attack such important people, because they’re experts, well trained, knowledgeable about relevant stuff, and have dedicated their time to benefiting others
do we support this behaviour in our government and it’s real supporters, their benefactors
look it went and pointed back to rich people again

glad I’m not rich, there’s a lot of arrowheads turning in that direction right now
those modern cavaliers are making themselves targets right now, I beg they stop and listen
listening is a real superpower, I’d love to have that ability
imagine a politician… I gave up there, I couldn’t imagine a polite, well mannered politician
sad that my view of every politician is now caked in the c*mfist of a f***wrangling m***feaster doucheshoot

I don’t know what to say, c**ts no longer works, it’s too tame
we need a new word to describe our leaders
misguided or ignorant would describe them, but I’m lost there isn’t a word that is capable of mocking them, c**ts
they need to go back to school, Eton is clearly a poor school to send your child to, look at who it allows to graduate
only a f***ing moron with more money than sense would bother with such an antiquated institution, old don’t mean right
humanity will swallow itself in this traditionalism, Black Rod is nonsense

there, I said it now, we were all thinking it
it is total nonsense to foreigners, it’s a curiosity, silly British traditions that walk silly, silly billies
silly little billies, stupid silly little billies, stupid silly little billy’s bones
don’t hate the Brits, unfortunately there’s a very loud, very small minority of us that are xenophobic, racist, misogynistic, and fascist
like everywhere in the world, there’s always a few assholes
they just manage to spoil it for the rest with their money addictions, desire to cause suffering to those that oppose them, vengeful, sociopathic, psychotic, f**knuckleness
why do I censor, who gives a f**k

Anon, n.d., Anon, [if I say wayo would you all en masse shout back wayo], Anon: Anon