I don’t work that way
I write whatever
give it an anonymous ending
I relinquish any claim to my words, so far
you may use them for any purpose
why not just ignore them
it’s easy, it’s your right not to listen
right to speech must also mean the right to not listen

why do we keep listening to people who think it’s fine to break laws they created
then lie about having broken the laws
especially when said somewhere it’s a resigning offense to lie
stop listening to rich people, they’re not right because they’re rich
they started rich, they’ll probably die rich
you want to be a self-made rich person
that takes hard work, the kind of hard work those in charge have never known, they started rich

how dense do you have to be to not recognise that the born rich don’t care about the poor
I must admit I am not interested in stripping anyone of wealth, that would be theft
I am in favour of taxing rich people and corporations for the impact their policies have on our way of life and environment
you like the countryside, makes you feel happy
you like a health service you can access regardless of your wealth
you like it here
you like your homes, if you are lucky to have one

people are being turned on to the streets because their landlords have increased rent beyond their ability to pay
these people work full-time
they can’t pay for enough heat, power, food, transport
this is how makeshift slums start, the rich buying up all the land
some lame snowflake excuse like it’s libertarianism
fight club, watch it, it will explain the origin of the angry snowflake excuse

rich, rich, rich
understand they’re looking out for their families, yours comes second place to theirs, same as we all do
they’re allowed to abuse this privilege with tax loopholes, their accountants are expensive
is this admirable behaviour, should these people be in charge of anything
it’s fine for us to do this, we’re not in charge of the country
not for them
the one rule for us and another for them works both ways
I fully expect those in charge to do their jobs, and breaking the rules is a sackable offence
I expect nothing less than four rules
don’t kill
don’t steal
don’t transgress the law of consent (that’s a big one but as essential as the rest [misogyny])
don’t lie, don’t lie, don’t lie

simple rules, keeps everything civil
what about the rich though…
let them play in the sandpit of their own design
we all leave this world the same way, death
same for all regardless of trinkets, gems or gold
we get to take nothing but the memory of what we did in life
money, money, money
only carry what you can take with you, your peace of mind
listen to the wise
trouble with the wise is they don’t advertise like capitalists
they sit in peace and only share when asked correctly
trouble is they don’t advertise where they put the rules
they pray in peace for blessing for all
trouble is it doesn’t make sense
they wait with endless patience for it to make sense
trouble is I don’t want to
they wait
trouble is I see trouble

be always at peace, be always happy, be always kind
be aware of suffering, be aware of pain, be aware of cruelty
this is what more awake is all about
be wishing for peace, happiness, and kindness
times already up for a stable environmental future
earth’s getting restless
better fly off rich people

I hope the JW telescope finds your new Eden
I’m staying here for now, earth bound
not rich enough to be saved
is this what humanity values
money, money, money
am I sick of this world, or is this world making me sick
who cares I don’t amount to much money
no gold teeth here, even my wisdom teeth have gone
damn it, now the title doesn’t make sense

Anon, n.d., Anon, [why is this still happening], Anon: Anon